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Paper 2 (Chemistry) - 2000
(One hour and a half)

Question 5
(a) X is an element in the form of a powder. X burns in oxygen and the product is soluble in water. The solution is tested with litmus. Write down only the word which will correctly complete each of the following sentences.

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(i) If X is a metal, then the litmus will turn ....................


(ii) If X is a non-metal, then the litmus will turn ................


(iii) If X is a reactive metal, then .................... will be evolved when X reacts with dilute sulphuric acid.


(iv) If X is a metal it will form ..................... oxide, which will form ................. solution with water.


(v) If X is a non-metal it will not conduct electricity unless it is carbon in the form of .................

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