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Italian Language - New York Regents June 2008 Exam

Directions (31-33): Choose two of the three writing tasks provided below. Write below
your response to the two writing tasks you have chosen.

For each question you have chosen, your answer should be written entirely in Italian
and should contain a minimum of 100 words.
Place names and brand names written in Italian count as one word. Contractions are
also counted as one word. Salutations and closings, as well as commonly used abbreviations
in Italian, are included in the word count. Numbers, unless written as words, and names of
people are not counted as words.

You must satisfy the purpose of the task. Be sure to organize your response and to
include a beginning, middle, and ending. The sentence structure and/or expressions used
should be connected logically and should demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary with
minimal repetition.

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