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Chemistry : Molecular Weights of Chemical Compounds

What is the molecular weight of each chemical compound whose formula is given below?
Given Atomic Weights:
H = 1 ; C = 12 ; N = 14 ; O = 16 ; Na = 23 ; Mg = 24 ; Al = 27 ;  P = 31 ; S = 32 ;
Cl = 35.5 ; K = 39 ; Ca = 40; Cr = 52; Mn = 55 ; Fe = 56 ; Cu = 63.5 ; Zn = 65 
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Multiple choice | Fill in the blanks | Match the Columns

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Cupric sulfate (Copper [II] sulfate) - CuSO4     Hint       1145
Zinc sulfite - ZnSO3     Hint       2101
Potassium nitrate - KNO3     Hint       344
Aluminum phosphate - AlPO4     Hint       4159.5
Carbon dioxide - CO2     Hint       5122

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