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GRE Test Prep : Quantitative Comparison II

Compare the two quantities and choose the best answer from four choices given.

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Image XIII
In triangle ABC, measure of angle 1 = 100o.
Quantity A = Length of side AB
Quantity B = Length of side BC

  Quantity A is greater

  Quantity B is greater

  The two quantities are equal

  The relationship cannot be determined from the information given



Quantity A = (1/5)2 Quantity B = 1/5

  Quantity A is greater

  Quantity B is greater

  The two quantities are equal

  The relationship cannot be determined from the information given



Image VI
AB is the diameter of the circle.
Quantity A = Measure of angle 2
Quantity B = 45o

  Quantity A is greater

  Quantity B is greater

  The two quantities are equal

  The relationship cannot be determined from the information given



The average of three numbers x, y and z is 150.
Quantity A = x + y
Quantity B = x + z

  Quantity A is greater

  Quantity B is greater

  The two quantities are equal

  The relationship cannot be determined from the information given



Quantity A = Probability of getting tails in a toss of a coin
Quantity B = Probability of getting a number greater than 2 in a throw of a dice

  Quantity A is greater

  Quantity B is greater

  The two quantities are equal

  The relationship cannot be determined from the information given



Quantity A = 30% of 30 Quantity B = 40% of 40

  Quantity A is greater

  Quantity B is greater

  The two quantities are equal

  The relationship cannot be determined from the information given



xyz = 1; x = y
Quantity A = z Quantity B = 1

  Quantity A is greater

  Quantity B is greater

  The two quantities are equal

  The relationship cannot be determined from the information given


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