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Spanish Translation Lesson 2
Nationalities - Spanish to English

Spanish Translation : Teach yourself Spanish through self-study lessons

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alemán German (male)
alemana German (female)
americano American (male)
americana American (female)
inglés Englishman
inglesa Englishwoman
australiano Australian (male)
australiana Australian (female)
belga Belgian (male or female)
canadiense Canadian (male or female)
chino Chinese (male)
china Chinese (female)
francés Frenchman
francesa Frenchwoman
indio Indian (male)
india Indian (female)
japonés Japanese (male)
japonesa Japanese (female)
paquistaní Pakistani (male or female)
español Spaniard (male or female)
mejicano, mexicano Mexican (male)
mejicana, mexicana Mexican (female)
africano African (male or female)
asiático Asian (male)
asiática Asian (female)
europeo European (male)
europea European (female)
británico British (male)
británica British (female)

SpanishEnglish translation (equivalent)
Elena: ¡Hola! me llamo Elena. ¿y tú? Hello, my name is Elena, and yours?
Felipe: ¡Hola! Elena, me llamo Felipe. Hello Elena, my name is Felipe.
Kate: ¡Hola! Elena. ¡Hola! Felipe. Me llamo Kate. Hello Elena. Hello Felipe. My name is Kate.
Felipe: Elena, usted es americana, ¿verdad? Elena, you are an American(female). Are'nt you?
Elena: Sí Felipe, yo soy americana. ¿y tú? Yes Felipe, I am an American. And you?
Felipe: Yo soy español.
Kate, ¿usted es inglésa?
I am Spanish.
Kate, are you an Englishwoman?
Kate: No felipe, yo soy canadiense No Felipe, I am a Canadian.
Felipe: Elena, Kate ¿habla usted español? Elena, Kate do you speak Spanish?
Elena and Kate: Sí Felipe. Yes Felipe.
Felipe: Mucho gusto, Elena y Kate.
Hasta leugo.
Pleased to meet you Elena and Kate.
See you later.
Elena and Kate: Mucho gusto Felipe, adiós. Pleased to meet you Felipe, goodbye!

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