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Asking sentences and telling sentences  

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Type each sentence with a full stop or a question mark at the end.

1. The sky is very cloudy on a rainy day
Answer: The sky is very cloudy on a rainy day.

2. The young one of a dog is called a puppy
Answer: The young one of a dog is called a puppy.

3. We get wool from sheep
Answer: We get wool from sheep.

4. The parrot has a red beak
Answer: The parrot has a red beak.

5. Rabbits have long ears
Answer: Rabbits have long ears.

6. My school has a big playground
Answer: My school has a big playground.

7. Sara is going to the circus with her dad
Answer: Sara is going to the circus with her dad.

8. Sam's mother has gone to the market
Answer: Sam's mother has gone to the market.

9. Children like to play games
Answer: Children like to play games.

10. There are many animals on our farm
Answer: There are many animals on our farm.

11. How did you fare in your class test
Answer: How did you fare in your class test?

12. Will you come with me to school
Answer: Will you come with me to school?

13. Have you brought chocolates for me
Answer: Have you brought chocolates for me?

14. Who is going with Sam to the beach
Answer: Who is going with Sam to the beach?

15. What are we having for dinner tonight
Answer: What are we having for dinner tonight?

16. Which movie did you watch today
Answer: Which movie did you watch today?

17. Can I come to see your kitten
Answer: Can I come to see your kitten?

18. Have you checked your mail this morning
Answer: Have you checked your mail this morning?

19. Why has Amy come home so late
Answer: Why has Amy come home so late?

20. When does Tim's summer vacation begin
Answer: When does Tim's summer vacation begin?

  Try the Quiz :     English Language SyvumBook 1 : Asking sentences and telling sentences

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