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French Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduisez les mot(s) suivant(s) en Français.

1. arrival
Answer: arrivée, venue

2. blanket
Answer: couverture

3. book stand
Answer: stand de livres

4. breakfast
Answer: petit déjeuner

5. cafeteria
Answer: cafétéria

6. car rental
Answer: location de voitures

7. credit card
Answer: carte de crédit

8. departure
Answer: départ

9. dinner
Answer: dîner

10. information
Answer: information

11. luggage rack
Answer: porte-bagages

12. luggage trolley
Answer: chariot à bagages

13. luggage van
Answer: fourgon

14. lunch
Answer: lunch, déjeuner

15. magazine
Answer: revue

16. meal
Answer: repas

17. newspaper
Answer: journal

18. newspaper vendor
Answer: marchand de journaux

19. non-vegetarian
Answer: non végétarien

20. number
Answer: nombre

21. pharmacy, chemist
Answer: droguerie , pharmacie

22. pillow
Answer: oreiller

23. restaurant
Answer: restaurant

24. taxi stand
Answer: station de taxis

25. telephone
Answer: téléphone

26. ticket machine
Answer: distributeur de billets

27. ticket office
Answer: guichet

28. vegetarian
Answer: végétarien

  Try the Quiz :     French Vocabulary Word List and Game : BUS STATION 2

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