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Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduca le seguenti parole in italiano.

1. box office
Answer: biglietteria

2. cast
Answer: cast

3. censor
Answer: censore

4. choreography
Answer: coreografia

5. chorus
Answer: coro

6. climax
Answer: apice

7. comedian
Answer: commediante

8. crew
Answer: equipaggio

9. critic
Answer: critico

10. director
Answer: regista

11. editor
Answer: redattore

12. fiction
Answer: finzione

13. film festival
Answer: festival della pellicola

14. film star
Answer: stella di pellicola

15. horror film
Answer: pellicola di orrore

16. love story
Answer: storia d'amore

17. lyrics
Answer: parole

18. preview
Answer: anteprima

19. producer
Answer: produttore

20. role
Answer: ruolo

21. romantic
Answer: romantico

22. screenplay
Answer: sceneggiatura

23. screenwriter
Answer: sceneggiatore

24. script
Answer: manoscritto

25. soundtrack
Answer: colonna sonora

26. sound effects
Answer: effetti sani

27. thriller
Answer: giallo

  Try the Quiz :     Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game : CINEMA 2

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