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Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduca le seguenti parole in italiano.

1. act
Answer: atto

2. awards
Answer: premi

3. box office success, box office hit
Answer: successo

4. cabaret, floor show
Answer: cabaret

5. chorus girls
Answer: ragazze di chorus

6. conductor
Answer: direttore d'orchestra

7. dubbed
Answer: doppiare

8. dubbing
Answer: doppiatura

9. edit
Answer: rivedere

10. film director
Answer: direttore della pellicola

11. flop
Answer: fiasco

12. footlights
Answer: luci della ribalta

13. lyricist
Answer: lirico

14. orchestra
Answer: orchestra

15. original version
Answer: versione originale

16. playback
Answer: playback

17. premiere, release
Answer: prima

18. review
Answer: recensione

19. screen
Answer: schermo

20. special effects
Answer: effetti speciali

21. spotlight
Answer: proiettore

22. stage
Answer: scena

23. theatre, theater
Answer: teatro

24. to film
Answer: filmare

25. usher
Answer: usciere

26. variety show
Answer: spettacolo di varietà

27. variety theatre, variety theater
Answer: teatro di varietà

  Try the Quiz :     Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game : CINEMA 3

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