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Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduca le seguenti parole in italiano.

1. birds
Answer: uccelli

2. butterfly
Answer: farfalla

3. fence
Answer: recinto

4. flowerbed
Answer: aiuola

5. fountain
Answer: fontana

6. garden furniture
Answer: mobilia del giardino

7. greenhouse, hothouse
Answer: serra

8. grill
Answer: griglia

9. hammock
Answer: amaca

10. hedge
Answer: siepe

11. insects
Answer: insetti

12. pathway
Answer: sentiero

13. pond
Answer: stagno

14. shed
Answer: baracca

15. sprinkler
Answer: spruzzatore

16. steps, stairs
Answer: scala

17. sunshade
Answer: parasole

18. swimming pool
Answer: piscina

19. worms
Answer: vermi

  Try the Quiz :     Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game : GARDEN 2

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