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Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduca le seguenti parole in italiano.

1. archipelago
Answer: arcipelago

2. beach
Answer: spiaggia

3. cave
Answer: grotta, caverna

4. creek
Answer: torrente, insenatura

5. cliff
Answer: scoglio

6. coast
Answer: costa

7. countryside
Answer: campagna

8. field
Answer: binicolo, settore

9. forest, woods
Answer: bosco

10. globe
Answer: globo

11. hill
Answer: collina

12. iceberg
Answer: iceberg

13. jungle
Answer: giungla

14. landscape
Answer: paesaggio

15. map
Answer: carta, mappa

16. marsh
Answer: palude

17. meadow, grassland
Answer: prato

18. mountain pass
Answer: passo

19. mountain range
Answer: catena di montagne

20. pond
Answer: stagno

21. rainforest
Answer: foresta di pioggia

22. river bank
Answer: argine

23. sea bed
Answer: fondale marino

24. shore
Answer: sponda, riva

25. spring
Answer: sorgente

26. stream
Answer: ruscello

27. summit, top
Answer: vetta, cima

28. swamp
Answer: palude

29. territory
Answer: territorio

30. trench
Answer: fosso

31. volcano
Answer: vulcano

  Try the Quiz :     Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game : GEOGRAPHY- FEATURES 2

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