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Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduca le seguenti parole in italiano.

1. bottle opener
Answer: apribottiglie

2. cabinet
Answer: gabinetto

3. can opener
Answer: apriscatole

4. canister
Answer: latta

5. casserole
Answer: pasticcio

6. counter
Answer: contatore

7. cupboard
Answer: armadio

8. cutting board
Answer: cartolina de taglio

9. detergent
Answer: detergente

10. dish drainer
Answer: drainer del piatto

11. dish towel
Answer: canovaccio da cucina

12. ice tray
Answer: vassoio del ghiaccio

13. napkin
Answer: tovagliolo

14. paper napkin
Answer: tovagliolo di carta

15. peeler
Answer: sbucciatore

16. rolling pin
Answer: perno di rolling

17. scouring pad
Answer: spugna di lavaggio

18. sink
Answer: lavello

19. stove
Answer: cucina

  Try the Quiz :     Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game : KITCHEN - ITEMS

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