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Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduca le seguenti parole in italiano.

1. blizzard
Answer: tormenta

2. cyclone
Answer: ciclone

3. deluge
Answer: diluvio

4. drought
Answer: siccità

5. earthquake
Answer: terremonto

6. famine
Answer: carestia

7. flood
Answer: inondazione

8. hailstorm
Answer: grandinata

9. hurricane
Answer: uragano

10. snowstorm
Answer: tormenta

11. storm
Answer: tempesta

12. tempest
Answer: tempesta

13. tornado
Answer: tromba d'aria

14. typhoon
Answer: tifone

15. whirlpool
Answer: vortice

16. whirlwind
Answer: turbine

  Try the Quiz :     Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game : NATURAL DISASTERS

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