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Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduca le seguenti parole in italiano.

1. archaeologist
Answer: archeologo

2. attorney
Answer: avvocato

3. banker
Answer: banchiere

4. bartender
Answer: barista

5. basketball player
Answer: giocatore di pallacanestro

6. biologist
Answer: bilogo

7. broker
Answer: mediatore

8. bus driver
Answer: driver di bus

9. businessman
Answer: uomo d'affari

10. cashier
Answer: cassiere, cassiera

11. chef
Answer: capocuoco

12. chemist, pharmacist
Answer: farmacista, farmacia

13. clerk
Answer: impiegato

14. coach
Answer: allenatore

15. consultant
Answer: consulente

16. counsellor
Answer: consigliere

17. dentist
Answer: dentista

18. designer
Answer: stilista

19. economist
Answer: economista

20. electrician
Answer: elettricista

21. employee
Answer: salariato

22. fireman
Answer: pompiere

23. football player, soccer player
Answer: giocatore di gioco del pallone

24. manager
Answer: direttore

25. optician
Answer: ottico

26. physician
Answer: medico

27. police
Answer: polizia

28. president
Answer: presidente

29. programmer
Answer: programmatore

30. psychiatrist
Answer: psichiatra

31. receptionist
Answer: capo ufficio ricevimento

32. researcher
Answer: ricercatore

33. saleswoman
Answer: commessa

34. shopkeeper
Answer: commerciante

35. steward
Answer: steward

36. taxi driver
Answer: tassista

37. typist
Answer: dattilografa

38. worker
Answer: lavoratore

  Try the Quiz :     Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game : OCCUPATIONS and PROFESSIONS 3

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