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Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduca le seguenti parole in italiano.

1. beauty salon
Answer: salone di bellezza

2. bookshop
Answer: libreria

3. boutique
Answer: boutique

4. car rental
Answer: autonoleggio

5. club
Answer: circolo

6. discotheque
Answer: discoteca

7. golf club
Answer: mazza da golf

8. golf course
Answer: campo di golf

9. hardware store
Answer: negozio di ferramenta

10. hostel
Answer: ostello

11. jewellery shop
Answer: negozio dei monili

12. opera house
Answer: teatro dell'opera

13. pub
Answer: taverna, bar

14. travel agency
Answer: agenzia di viaggi

15. vineyard
Answer: vigna

16. youth hostel
Answer: ostello della gioventù

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