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Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduca le seguenti parole in italiano.

1. below zero
Answer: inferiore a zero

2. blizzard
Answer: tormenta

3. clear
Answer: chiaro

4. cloud
Answer: nuvola

5. cool
Answer: fresco

6. deluge
Answer: diluvio

7. dew
Answer: rugiada

8. downpour
Answer: acquazzone

9. drizzle
Answer: pioggerella

10. drought
Answer: siccità

11. dry
Answer: asciutto

12. fog
Answer: nebbia

13. freezing
Answer: glaciale

14. hailstorm
Answer: grandinata

15. hurricane
Answer: uragano

16. muggy
Answer: afoso

17. rain
Answer: pioggia

18. rainbow
Answer: arcobaleno

19. rainy season
Answer: stagione delle pioggie

20. snowstorm
Answer: tormenta

21. storm
Answer: tempesta

22. tempest
Answer: tempesta

23. thunderstorm
Answer: temporale

24. tornado
Answer: tromba d'aria

25. typhoon
Answer: tifone

26. warm
Answer: caldo

27. weather forecast
Answer: bollettino meteorologico

28. wet
Answer: bagnato

29. whirlwind
Answer: turbine

30. wind
Answer: vento

  Try the Quiz :     Italian Vocabulary Word List and Game : WEATHER 2

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