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Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduza as seguinte(s) palavra(s) em português.

1. alligator
Answer: jacaré

2. bear
Answer: urso

3. buffalo
Answer: búfalo

4. bull
Answer: touro

5. camel
Answer: camelo

6. cat
Answer: gato

7. cow
Answer: vaca

8. crocodile
Answer: crocodilo

9. deer
Answer: cervo

10. dog
Answer: cachorro, cão

11. donkey
Answer: burro

12. elephant
Answer: elefante

13. fox
Answer: raposa

14. frog

15. giraffe
Answer: girafa

16. goat
Answer: cabra

17. horse
Answer: cavalo

18. leopard
Answer: leopardo

19. lion
Answer: leão

20. lizard
Answer: lagarto

21. monkey
Answer: macaco

22. mouse
Answer: camundongo

23. pig
Answer: porco

24. pony
Answer: pônei

25. rabbit
Answer: coelho

26. rat
Answer: rato

27. sheep
Answer: ovelha

28. snake
Answer: cobra, serpente

29. squirrel
Answer: esquilo

30. tiger
Answer: tigre

31. tortoise
Answer: tartaruga

32. wolf
Answer: lobo

33. zebra
Answer: zebra

  Try the Quiz :     Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game : ANIMALS 1

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