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Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduza as seguinte(s) palavra(s) em português.

1. antelope
Answer: antílope

2. ass
Answer: asno, burro

3. bat
Answer: morcego

4. beaver
Answer: castor

5. bison
Answer: bisão

6. bulldog
Answer: buldogue

7. cheetah
Answer: chita, leopardo caçador

8. chimpanzee
Answer: chimpanzé

9. dolphin
Answer: golfinho

10. gorilla
Answer: gorila

11. hare
Answer: lebre

12. hedgehog
Answer: ouriço

13. hippopotamus
Answer: hipopótamo

14. hyena
Answer: hiena

15. jackal
Answer: chacal

16. kangaroo
Answer: canguru

17. koala
Answer: coala

18. lioness
Answer: leoa

19. mare
Answer: égua

20. octopus
Answer: polvo

21. otter
Answer: lontra

22. ox
Answer: boi

23. panda
Answer: panda, urso panda

24. panther
Answer: pantera

25. penguin
Answer: pinguim

26. polar bear
Answer: urso polar

27. porcupine
Answer: porco espinho

28. reindeer
Answer: rena

29. rhinoceros
Answer: rinoceronte

30. seal
Answer: foca

31. shark
Answer: tubarão

32. stag
Answer: cervo

33. toad
Answer: sapo

34. walrus
Answer: morsa, leão marinho

35. whale
Answer: baleia

  Try the Quiz :     Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game : ANIMALS 2

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