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Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduza as seguinte(s) palavra(s) em português.

1. asteroid
Answer: asteróide

2. astronaut
Answer: astronauta

3. astronomer
Answer: astrônomo

4. atmosphere
Answer: atmosfera

5. comet
Answer: cometa

6. Earth
Answer: Terra

7. galaxy
Answer: galáxia

8. gravity
Answer: gravidade

9. light years
Answer: anos luz

10. meteor
Answer: meteoro

11. meteorite
Answer: meteorito

12. moon
Answer: lua

13. orbit
Answer: órbita

14. outer space
Answer: espaço sideral

15. planet
Answer: planeta

16. satellite
Answer: satélite

17. solar system
Answer: sistema solar

18. star
Answer: estrela

19. Sun
Answer: sol

20. telescope
Answer: telescópio

21. universe
Answer: universo

  Try the Quiz :     Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game : ASTRONOMY

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