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Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduza as seguinte(s) palavra(s) em português.

1. belt
Answer: cinto

2. cap
Answer: gorro, boné

3. coat
Answer: casaco

4. dress
Answer: vestido

5. gloves
Answer: luvas

6. handkerchief
Answer: lenço

7. hat
Answer: chapéu

8. jacket
Answer: jaqueta

9. jeans
Answer: calça jeans

10. scarf
Answer: cachecol

11. shirt
Answer: camisa

12. shoe
Answer: sapato

13. shoelace
Answer: cadarço

14. shorts
Answer: shorts

15. skirt
Answer: saia

16. socks
Answer: meias

17. suit
Answer: terno

18. tie
Answer: gravata

19. trousers
Answer: calças

20. T-shirt
Answer: camiseta

21. uniform
Answer: uniforme

  Try the Quiz :     Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game : CLOTHES 1

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