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Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game

Formats Word List Worksheet / Test Paper Quiz Reverse Quiz Quiz Reverse Quiz Review

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduza as seguinte(s) palavra(s) em português.

1. Argentina
Answer: Argentina

2. Austria
Answer: Áustria

3. Belgium
Answer: Bélgica

4. Chile
Answer: Chile

5. Denmark
Answer: Dinamarca

6. Egypt
Answer: Egito

7. Indonesia
Answer: Indonésia

8. Iran
Answer: Irã

9. Iraq
Answer: Iraque

10. Ireland
Answer: Irlanda

11. Israel
Answer: Israel

12. Kenya
Answer: Quênia

13. Malaysia
Answer: Malásia

14. Netherlands
Answer: Países Baixos

15. New Zealand
Answer: Nova Zelândia

16. Philippines
Answer: Filipinas

17. Portugal
Answer: Portugal

18. South Africa
Answer: África do Sul

19. Thailand
Answer: Tailândia

20. Turkey
Answer: Turquia

  Try the Quiz :     Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game : COUNTRIES 2

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