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Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduza as seguinte(s) palavra(s) em português.

1. cardiologist
Answer: cardiologista

2. chiropodist
Answer: podólogo

3. chiropractor
Answer: quiroprático

4. dentist
Answer: dentista

5. dermatologist
Answer: dermatologista

6. dietician
Answer: dietista, nutricionista

7. gerontologist
Answer: geriatra

8. gynecologist, gynaecologist
Answer: ginecologista

9. nephrologist
Answer: nefrologista

10. neurologist
Answer: neurologista

11. obstetrician
Answer: obstetra

12. oncologist
Answer: oncologista

13. orthodontist
Answer: ortodontista

14. orthopedist, orthopaedist
Answer: ortopedista

15. pediatrician, paediatrician
Answer: pediatra

16. pathologist
Answer: patologista

17. physician
Answer: médico

18. physiotherapist
Answer: fisioterapeuta

19. psychiatrist
Answer: psiquiatra

20. psychologist
Answer: psicólogo

21. radiologist
Answer: radiologista

22. rheumatologist
Answer: reumatologista

23. surgeon
Answer: cirurgião

24. urologist
Answer: urologista

  Try the Quiz :     Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game : DOCTORS - SPECIALISTS

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