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Portuguese Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduza as seguinte(s) palavra(s) em português.

1. basil
Answer: manjericão

2. celery
Answer: salsão

3. chervil
Answer: cerefólio

4. chives
Answer: cebolinha

5. coriander
Answer: coentro

6. dill
Answer: dill

7. garlic
Answer: alho

8. ginger
Answer: gengibre

9. marjoram
Answer: manjerona

10. mint
Answer: menta

11. oregano
Answer: orégano

12. parsley
Answer: salsa

13. rosemary
Answer: alecrim

14. tarragon
Answer: estragão

15. thyme
Answer: tomilho


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