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Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traducir las siguiente(s) palabra(s) a español.

1. canary
Answer: canario

2. chick
Answer: pollito

3. cock
Answer: gallo

4. hawk, falcon
Answer: halcón, azor

5. hen
Answer: gallina

6. kingfisher
Answer: martín pescador

7. parakeet
Answer: periquito

8. partridge
Answer: perdiz

9. pheasant
Answer: faisán

10. pigeon
Answer: paloma

11. raven
Answer: cuervo

12. robin
Answer: petirrojo

13. rooster
Answer: gallo

14. woodpecker
Answer: pájaro carpintero

  Try the Quiz :     Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game : BIRDS 2

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