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Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traducir las siguiente(s) palabra(s) a español.

1. ankle
Answer: tobillo

2. arm
Answer: brazo

3. cheek
Answer: mejilla

4. chest
Answer: pecho

5. chin
Answer: barbilla

6. ear
Answer: oreja

7. elbow
Answer: codo

8. eye
Answer: ojo

9. face
Answer: cara, rostro

10. finger
Answer: dedo

11. foot
Answer: pie

12. forehead
Answer: frente

13. hand
Answer: mano

14. hair
Answer: cabello, pelo

15. head
Answer: cabeza

16. heel
Answer: talón

17. hip
Answer: cadera

18. knee
Answer: rodilla

19. leg
Answer: pierna

20. lip
Answer: labio

21. mouth
Answer: boca

22. nail
Answer: uña

23. neck
Answer: cuello

24. nose
Answer: nariz

25. palm
Answer: palma

26. shoulders
Answer: hombros

27. skin
Answer: piel

28. stomach
Answer: estómago

29. tooth
Answer: diente

30. thigh
Answer: muslo

31. thumb
Answer: pulgar

32. toe
Answer: dedo del pie

33. tongue
Answer: lengua

34. waist
Answer: cintura

35. wrist
Answer: muñeca

  Try the Quiz :     Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game : BODY 1

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