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Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traducir las siguiente(s) palabra(s) a español.

1. backpack
Answer: mochila

2. bait
Answer: cebo, carnada

3. basket
Answer: cesta

4. boat
Answer: barco

5. boots
Answer: botas

6. camp
Answer: campamento

7. camp bed
Answer: cama de campamento

8. camper
Answer: acampador

9. campfire
Answer: fogata

10. campstool
Answer: banquillo, silla de campamento

11. cliff
Answer: peñasco

12. compass
Answer: brújula

13. firewood
Answer: leña

14. fish hook
Answer: anzuelo

15. fishing net
Answer: red de pesca

16. flashlight
Answer: linterna

17. forest
Answer: bosque, selva

18. forest ranger
Answer: guardabosques

19. grill
Answer: parrilla

20. hook
Answer: anzuelo, gancho

21. lamp
Answer: lampión

22. lantern
Answer: linterna

23. raft
Answer: barco de borracha

24. raincoat
Answer: chubasquero

25. rope
Answer: soga, cuerda

26. shotgun
Answer: escopeta

27. sleeping bag
Answer: saco de dormir

28. stream
Answer: arroyo, riachuelo

29. tent
Answer: carpa, tienda de campaña

30. thermos
Answer: termo

31. trailer
Answer: trailer, reboque

32. trap
Answer: trampa

  Try the Quiz :     Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game : CAMPING

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