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Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traducir las siguiente(s) palabra(s) a español.

1. angle
Answer: ángulo

2. area
Answer: superficie

3. circle
Answer: círculo

4. circumference
Answer: circunferencia

5. cone
Answer: cono

6. cube
Answer: cubo

7. curve
Answer: curva

8. cylinder
Answer: cilindro

9. diameter
Answer: diámetro

10. line
Answer: línea

11. perimeter
Answer: perímetro

12. point
Answer: punto

13. radius
Answer: radio

14. rectangle
Answer: rectángulo

15. semicircle
Answer: semicírculo

16. side
Answer: lado

17. sphere
Answer: esfera

18. square
Answer: cuadrado

19. triangle
Answer: triángulo

20. volume
Answer: volumen

  Try the Quiz :     Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game : GEOMETRY 1

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