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Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traducir las siguiente(s) palabra(s) a español.

1. cloudy
Answer: nublado

2. cold
Answer: frío

3. foggy
Answer: con niebla, brumoso

4. frost
Answer: escarcha

5. hail
Answer: granizo

6. hot
Answer: caluroso

7. humid
Answer: húmedo

8. ice
Answer: hielo

9. lightning
Answer: relámpago, rayo

10. mist
Answer: neblina

11. rainy
Answer: lluvioso

12. snow
Answer: nieve

13. stormy
Answer: tempestuoso

14. sunny
Answer: soleado

15. thunder
Answer: trueno

16. windy
Answer: ventoso

  Try the Quiz :     Spanish Vocabulary Word List and Game : WEATHER 1

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