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WORDS : Italian - English Translation Games
(PAROLE : Italiano - Inglese Giochi di Traduzione)

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Given the ENGLISH WORD (Inglese), identify the ITALIAN WORD (Italiano)

1. father
Answer: padre

2. mother
Answer: madre

3. brother
Answer: fratello

4. sister
Answer: sorella

5. son
Answer: figlio

6. daughter
Answer: figlia

7. husband
Answer: sposo , marito

8. wife
Answer: moglie , consorte

9. uncle
Answer: zio

10. aunt
Answer: zia

11. child
Answer: bambino

12. grandfather
Answer: nonno

13. grandmother
Answer: nonna

14. I
Answer: io

15. we
Answer: noi

16. he
Answer: egli

17. she
Answer: essa

18. spoon
Answer: cucchiaio

19. knife
Answer: coltello

20. fork
Answer: forchetta

21. napkin
Answer: tovagliolo

22. bag
Answer: sacco

23. book
Answer: libro

24. pen
Answer: penna

25. pencil
Answer: matita

26. paper
Answer: di carta

27. eraser
Answer: gomma

28. notebook
Answer: taccuino

29. car
Answer: automobile, carro

30. airport
Answer: aeroporto

31. aeroplane
Answer: aeroplano

32. school
Answer: scuola

33. hello
Answer: ciao

34. goodbye
Answer: arrivederci

35. thank you
Answer: grazie

36. morning
Answer: mattino

37. evening
Answer: sera

38. night
Answer: notte

39. yes

40. no
Answer: no

41. left
Answer: sinistra

42. right
Answer: giusto

43. north
Answer: nord

44. south
Answer: sud

45. east
Answer: est

46. west
Answer: ovest

47. street
Answer: strada

48. avenue
Answer: viale

  Try the Quiz :     WORDS : Italian - English Translation Games (PAROLE : Italiano - Inglese Giochi di Traduzione)

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