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Science Quiz : Land & Geology

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Given the QUESTION, identify the ANSWER

1. Stalactites and stalagmites consist of deposits of
• Magnesium Carbonate
• Sodium Bicarbonate
• Silica
• Calcium Carbonate
Answer: Calcium Carbonate

2. The center of the earth is known as the
• Core
• Crust
• Atmosphere
• Hydrosphere
Answer: Core

3. The length of the days and nights is equal at the
• North Pole
• South Pole
• Equator
• Tropic of Capricorn
Answer: Equator

4. Removal of the top layer of soil/rocks by wind, water is known as
• Corrosion
• Desalination
• Erosion
• Detoxification
Answer: Erosion

5. Natural hot water springs occurring in New Zealand, Italy and Iceland are known as
• Hot Bubbles
• Old Faithfuls
• Fountains
• Geysers
Answer: Geysers

6. Greenhouse effect will lead to
• An increase in Oxygen Production
• Greater rainfall
• An increase in the temperature
• Decrease in atmospheric pressure  
Answer: An increase in the temperature

7. What is the name given to molten rocks that are erupted by a volcano?
• Firestone
• Marble
• Lava
• Slate
Answer: Lava

8. The surface of earth is mainly covered with
• Land
• Oceans
• Ice
• Mountains
Answer: Oceans

9. What are metal bearing rocks called?
• Metalloids
• Ores
• Slag
• Bitumen
Answer: Ores

10. Coal is formed from
• Rocks
• Soil
• Organic Matter
• Lava
Answer: Organic Matter

11. Solar Energy is a
• Non Renewable Source of Energy
• Polluting Source of Energy
• Renewable Source of Energy
• Very limited source of energy
Answer: Renewable Source of Energy

12. Which of the following is a main component of common glass?
• Water
• Powdered Mica
• Marble
• Sand
Answer: Sand

13. What is caused by the slight tilt of the earths axis?
• Day and Night
• Seasons
• Tides
• Earthquakes
Answer: Seasons

14. Which of the following elements is a chemical constituent of sand particles?
• Carbon
• Silicon
• Iron
• Sodium
Answer: Silicon

15. The shape of the earth is
• Flat
• Spherical
• Conical
• Cubical
Answer: Spherical

16. The earth rotates from
• West to East
• East to West
• North to South
• South to North
Answer: West to East

17. Seismograph is the instrument used for recording earthquake shocks.
• True
• False
Answer: True

18. Granite and quartz are igneous rocks.
• True
• False
Answer: True

19. Gasoline is a non-renewable source of energy.
• True
• False
Answer: True

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