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Science Quiz : Vertebrates & Invertebrates - I

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Try the Quiz : School Science Quiz : Vertebrates & Invertebrates - I

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A fish propels itself through water with the help of its _______.
• fins
• tail
• scales
finsA fish propels itself through water using its fins.
Which of the following vertebrates does not hibernate?
• Gorilla
• Bat
• Hedgehog
• Tortoise
• Squirrel
GorillaGorilla does not hibernate.
Which of the following vertebrates is not a freshwater fish?
• Minnow
• Pike
• Herring
• Stickleback
• Perch
HerringHerring is an edible seawater North Atlantic fish.
Which of the following mammals is a herbivore?
• Dolphin
• Hippopotamus
• Lynx
• Bear
• Walrus
HippopotamusHippopotamus is a herbivorous animal.
Reptiles have _______ for respiration.
• lungs
• gills
• stomata
lungsReptiles have lungs for respiration.
Pick the "odd one out".
• Crocodile
• Newt
• Alligator
• Turtle
• Tortoise
NewtNewt is an amphibian (amphibia) whereas turtle, tortoise, crocodile and alligator are reptiles (reptilia).
The female rat produces ova in a pair of _______.
• testes
• ovaries
• ovules
ovariesOva are produced by the female rat in a pair of ovaries.
Which of the following animals is not an invertebrate?
• Octopus
• Pelican
• Shrimp
• Sea Anemone
• Amoeba
PelicanThe pelican is a vertebrate (vertebrata).  
Which of the following vectors is a vertebrate?
• Flea
• Cockroach
• Rat
• Mosquito
• Tsetse Fly
RatRat is a vertebrate (vertebrata).
Which of the following vertebrates is not a mammal?
• Whale
• Armadillo
• Cheetah
• Sloth
• Shark
SharkShark is a fish (pisces).
The body of a fish is _______.
• hairy
• streamlined
• intruded
streamlinedThe body of a fish is streamlined
The male rat produces sperms in a pair of _______.
• ovaries
• ovules
• testes
testesSperms are produced by the male rat in a pair of testes.
Which of the following birds uses its feet for climbing?
• Thrush
• Parrot
• Woodpecker
• Eagle
• Duck
WoodpeckerWoodpecker uses its feet for climbing up trees.
The egg of a mammal attaches itself to the wall of the uterus by a placenta.
• True
• False
TrueThe egg of a mammal gets attached to the uterus wall by a placenta.
Milt from the hard roe of the male fish fertilizes the ova.
• True
• False
FalseMilt from the soft roe of the male fish fertilizes the ova.
The eggs of a female fish are known as soft roe.
• True
• False
FalseThe eggs of a female fish are known as hard roe.
The pelvic fins of a fish correspond to the front limbs of a mammal.
• True
• False
FalseThe pectoral fins of a fish correspond to the front limbs of a mammal.
The pectoral fins of a fish correspond to the hind limbs of a mammal.
• True
• False
FalseThe pelvic fins of a fish correspond to the hind limbs of a mammal.
The ostrich and the penguin are featherless birds.
• True
• False
FalseThe ostrich and the penguin are flightless birds.

Try the Quiz : School Science Quiz : Vertebrates & Invertebrates - I

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