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French Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduisez les mot(s) suivant(s) en Français.

1. lifeguard
Answer: maître nageur

2. lifejacket
Answer: gilet de sauvetage

3. pail
Answer: seau

4. sand
Answer: sable

5. sand castle
Answer: château de sable

6. sea
Answer: mer

7. sea gull
Answer: goéland

8. shell
Answer: coquille

9. shore
Answer: rivage

10. shovel
Answer: pelle

11. surfboard
Answer: planche de surf

12. swim
Answer: nager

13. swimming trunks
Answer: caleçon de bain

14. swimsuit
Answer: maillot de bain

15. towel
Answer: serviette

16. wave
Answer: vague

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