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French Vocabulary Word List and Game

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Quiz : Translate the following word(s) from English
Quiz : Traduisez les mot(s) suivant(s) en Français.

1. bowl
Answer: bol

2. colander
Answer: passoire

3. coffeepot
Answer: cafetière

4. crockery
Answer: poterie

5. cup
Answer: tasse

6. cutlery
Answer: couvert

7. dish, plate
Answer: assiette, plat

8. fork
Answer: fourchette

9. frying pan
Answer: poêle à frire

10. glass
Answer: verre

11. jug
Answer: cruche

12. kettle
Answer: bouilloire

13. knife
Answer: couteau

14. ladle
Answer: louche

15. mug
Answer: chope

16. pot
Answer: pot

17. saucepan
Answer: casserole

18. saucer
Answer: soucoupe

19. spoon
Answer: cuillère

20. teapot
Answer: théière

Answer: FRENCH

  Try the Quiz :     French Vocabulary Word List and Game : KITCHEN UTENSILS

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