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History : Famous Leaders III - Who am I ?

Choose the leader based on the clue(s) given.
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I was born in Russia. I was the President of Soviet Union. I was succeeded by Boris Yelstin. Who am I?     1Frederik Willem de Klerk
I was born in Texas, United States of America. I was the thirty-fourth President as well as a General of the United States Army. I died in Washington D.C. Who am I?     2Adolf Hitler
I was born in Johannesburg. I succeeded P.W. Botha as the President of South Africa. I played a vital role in putting an end to apartheid in South Africa. I demanded the formulation of a new Constitution, which led to the formation of the first multiracial government in South Africa. Who am I?     3Mikhail Gorbachev
I was the first President of the Fifth French Republic. I launched several policies to improve the French economy after the war. I also demanded the formulation of a new Constitution. Who am I?     4Dwight D. Eisenhower
I was born in Austria. I was an extremely famous German dictator. I was the founder of Nazism. I killed myself in my Berlin mansion in 1945 to avoid being captured by the Russians. Who am I?     5Charles de Gaulle

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