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Biology : Human Digestive / Gastrointestinal System II

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Given the QUESTION, identify the ANSWER

1. There are _______ pairs of salivary glands present in the mouth.
•  2
• 3
•  4
•  6
Answer: 3
There are 3 pairs of salivary glands, namely the parotid, the sublingual, and the submandibular or submaxillary.

2. How many teeth does an adult human being normally have?
• 16
• 20
• 30
• 32
Answer: 32
An adult human being normally has 32 teeth. The upper jaw and the lower jaw have 16 teeth each. Of these, 4 teeth are incisors, 2 teeth are canines, 4 teeth are premolars, and 6 teeth are molars. The last molar on each side of each jaw is called the wisdom tooth.

3. Which is not a part of the small intestine?
• caecum
• duodenum
• jejunum
• ileum
Answer: caecum
The caecum is not a part of the small intestine. The small intestine has three parts, namely the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The large intestine has three parts, namely the caecum, the colon, and the rectum.

4. A tooth is made up of a solid bony tissue known as _______.
• enamel
• crown
• dentine
• root
Answer: dentine
A tooth is made up of a solid bony tissue known as dentine.

5. The surface of the crown of the tooth is covered with a strong protective layer known as the _______.
• dentine
• cavity
• enamel
• root
Answer: enamel
The surface of the crown of the tooth is covered with a strong protective layer known as the enamel. The enamel protects the vital internal parts of the tooth. A tooth gets decayed if its enamel is injured.

6. Which of the following prevents food from entering the trachea (wind pipe)?
• epiglottis
• glottis
• larynx
• pharynx
Answer: epiglottis
The epiglottis is a piece of cartilage at the root of the tongue. It gets depressed while swallowing food.

7. Which is not a part of the large intestine?
• caecum
• colon
• ileum
• rectum
Answer: ileum
The ileum is not a part of the large intestine. The large intestine has three parts, namely the caecum, the colon, and the rectum. The small intestine has three parts, namely the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.

8. Which is the largest organ in the human body?
• liver
• small intestine
• large intestine
• pancreas
Answer: liver
The liver is the largest organ in the human body. It secretes bile, which emulsifies fats and makes the food alkaline. Bile contains no enzymes.

9. Which of the following is the common passage for the food eaten and the air breathed?
• larynx
• esophagus
• pharynx
• trachea
Answer: pharynx
The common passage for the food eaten and the air breathed is called the pharynx.

10. The part of the tooth inside the socket of the jaw is known as the _______.
• enamel
• crown
• root
• dentine
Answer: root
The part of the tooth inside the socket of the jaw is known as the root whereas the part of the tooth outside the socket of the jaw is referred to as the crown.

11. The part of the tooth outside the socket of the jaw is known as the crown.
• True
• False
Answer: True
The part of the tooth outside the socket of the jaw is known as the crown whereas the part of the tooth inside the socket of the jaw is referred to as the root.

12. The stomach is lined with mucous membrane.
• True
• False
Answer: True
The stomach has a lining of mucous membrane having several tiny gastric pits.

13. The mucus in the stomach protects the stomach tissues from the action of enzymes.
• True
• False
Answer: True
The mucus in the stomach protects the stomach tissues from the action of enzymes. The stomach has a lining of mucous membrane having several tiny gastric pits.

14. The caecum (a part of the large intestine) has a projection called the vermiform appendix.
• True
• False
Answer: True
The caecum (a part of the large intestine) has a projection called the vermiform appendix. The vermiform appendix is a vestigeal organ, i.e., it has no function.

15. The large intestine is broader and longer than the small intestine.
• True
• False
Answer: False
The large intestine is broader and shorter than the small intestine.

16. The pancreas is located in front of the stomach.
• True
• False
Answer: False
The pancreas is located behind the stomach.

17. The minute projections present in the small intestine are called cilia.
• True
• False
Answer: False
The minute projections present on the inner lining of the wall of the ileum (a part of the small intestine) are called villi.

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