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US Presidents Facts Quiz

Presidents of the United States are elected to serve a 4-year term of office. Since the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution in 1951, no US President is permitted to serve more than two terms.
Check your knowledge of the US Presidents with this quiz.

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Which US President was nicknamed "Father of His Country" ?

  William McKinley

  Dwight D. Eisenhower

  James Polk

  George Washington

  Half-n-half Clue


Who is the only US President to have held the nation's highest judicial office, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

  John Kennedy

  Abraham Lincoln

  Herbert Hoover

  William Taft

  Half-n-half Clue


Which US President waged the Mexican War ?

  Lyndon Johnson

  James Carter

  Calvin Coolidge

  James Polk

  Half-n-half Clue


Which US President was shot at the Ford Theater ?

  William McKinley

  Grover Cleveland

  Dwight D. Eisenhower

  Abraham Lincoln

  Half-n-half Clue


Before the Bushes, this is the only case where a father and a son have become US Presidents. Who is the son?

  William McKinley

  James Garfield

  John Quincy Adams

  James Buchanan

  Half-n-half Clue


Which US President served the longest (four terms) ?

  Franklin Roosevelt

  James Madison

  Warren Harding

  Franklin Pierce

  Half-n-half Clue


Who is the only US President to serve two non-consecutive terms ?

  Martin Van Buren

  Grover Cleveland

  Herbert Hoover

  Woodrow Wilson

  Half-n-half Clue

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