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History : Famous Leaders VII - Who am I ?

Choose the leader based on the clue(s) given.

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I was the King of Prussia. I was nicknamed as 'The Enlightened Monarch'. I was also a flutist. I was well-known for my pieces of flute music. Who am I?

  Benjamin Franklin

  Horatio Nelson

  John Adams

  Frederick II

  Half-n-half Clue


I was the British Secretary of State. I was also the nominal Prime Minister twice. I opposed the Treaty of Paris. I was the first Earl of Chatham and I accepted this title in 1766. Who am I?

  Louis XIV

  Theodore Roosevelt

  William Pitt

  George Washington

  Half-n-half Clue


I was an American. I was nicknamed 'Teddy'. During a hunting trip, I refused to kill a bear cub. Later, toy manufacturers named 'Teddy Bears' in my honour. Who am I?

  Theodore Roosevelt

  Benjamin Franklin

  Frederick II

  Louis XIV

  Half-n-half Clue


I was a Frenchman. I was nicknamed 'The Little Corporal'. Who am I?

  Louis XIV

  Napoleon Bonaparte

  Theodore Roosevelt

  Thomas Jefferson

  Half-n-half Clue


I was an American statesman. I am famous for the vital role I played in the American Revolution. I negotiated the Treaty of Paris in 1783. I also worked to put an end to slavery. Who am I?

  Louis XIV

  Benjamin Franklin

  George Washington

  Abraham Lincoln

  Half-n-half Clue


I was born in Massachusetts, United States of America. I played a vital role in the drafting of the Massachusetts Constitution. I served as vice-president under George Washington's presidency. I also died in Massachusetts. Who am I?

  Abraham Lincoln

  George Washington

  Napoleon Bonaparte

  John Adams

  Half-n-half Clue


I was born in Virginia, United States of America. I was the first President to work from the White House. I was also the Governor of Virginia as well as the Secretary of State. I died in Virginia. Who am I?

  Thomas Jefferson

  Theodore Roosevelt

  George Washington

  Frederick II

  Half-n-half Clue

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